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HomeKittenHow To Get Kittens To Poop

How To Get Kittens To Poop

When Should I See A Full Service Veterinarian

Litter Box Problems: Cats Covering Their Poop

You should definitely take your cat to a full-service veterinarian or urgent care if you notice any of the following:

  • It has been more than 48 hours since your cat has defecated
  • Your cat has not eaten or had water for more than 48 hours
  • You see blood in your cats stool
  • Sustained vomiting
  • Your cat stops grooming
  • Any signs of abdominal discomfort

Cat constipation can also be an indication of a different, potentially serious, underlying problem. You may need to have your cat examined by a veterinarian in the case your kitty needs more intensive care such as enemas, surgery or receiving fluids. By conducting a thorough physical examination and discussing your cats symptoms, your veterinarian will be able to decide what additional tests may be needed.

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Symptoms Of Constipation Among Kittens

If you observed that the kittens are having difficulty in passing stool especially if its been around 48 to 72 hours already then you should contact your vet immediately.

Here are the common symptoms of constipation among kittens:

  • kitten has dry, hard stool
  • kitten is crying or straining in the litter box or avoiding it
  • peeing more but drinking less water
  • walks stiffly

When Exactly Kittens Start Pooping

So when do kittens start pooping? Newborn cats depend upon their mothers for just about everything, including help in elimination. In addition to nursing and bathing her kittens, a mother also uses grooming to stimulate her youngsters to defecate and urinate. Newborn cat cant eliminate on their own without mother cat help, and it usually takes 3 weeks until a kitten can defecate on its own. Typically the mother will nurse a kitten, then after the meal, groom them to stimulate pooping.

Mama cat stimulates pooping by licking the kittens rear-ends, and if you are fostering a newborn cat, you may need to take the role of mother and use a warm washcloth to wipe down the kittens bottom until he defecates and urinates. Its important to keep your little one clean and follow good hygiene habits.

When a cat reaches the age of 3-4 weeks old, he can start to poop on his own without stimulation from the mother. At this time, the kittens eyes are open, he is starting to explore his world, and he can start eating some soft food and kibble in addition to nursing.

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Vet Treatment For Constipation In Cats

Constipation is common in cats but can indicate serious disease, so it should be discussed with your vet.

Constipation must be treated as soon as possible to reduce the risk of permanent damage due to prolonged distension of the colon. Effective treatment involves identifying and correcting the underlying disorder , removing the impacted feces, and preventing recurrences.

For immediate relief of constipation, your veterinarian can give your cat fluids and/or an enema. Administering an enema to a cat is a veterinary job and should not be attempted at home, says Dr. Bales. Some types of enemas designed for people are actually very toxic to cats.

Vets can also prescribe medications or recommend over-the-counter solutions to help you manage the symptoms of your cats constipation.

More importantly, your vet can help identify the underlying issue thats causing the constipation so it can be treated, rather than just trying to manage the symptoms.

Some cats with long-term constipation or obstipation may have megacolon, an enlarged intestine caused by a defect in the muscle strength of the colon. Cats with chronic constipation or megacolon that have been unresponsive to medical treatment may respond to removal of the affected section of the large intestine.

Heres a list of things you can do at home to help relieve your cats constipation.

When Exactly Will My Kitten Start Pooping

Why Do Cats Bury Their Poop?

Most kittens cannot poop until after theyve crossed the three week old mark. If they are still with their mother, she will stimulate them so they are able to pee and poop, but if you are playing the role of mama cat instead, you will need to take over this task . Around the 4-week mark is when you can typically expect your cat to be able to start pooping on its own.

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How Do I Know If I Need To Help My Kitten Go To The Bathroom

Before we get to how you can make your new kitten poop, a few tips on how to tell how old a kitten might be, so you know how best to take care of them.

Kittens are born with their eyes closed and they cannot walk or go to the bathroom on their own. They are completely dependent on their mom or foster parents for care.

Kittens will start to open their eyes and start crawling around on their own no later than two weeks of age.

Finally, by between three and four weeks old, kittens should be able to go to the bathroom on their own and should be walking and playing with their littermates.

If you arent sure how old your new kitten may be, you can bring it by your veterinarian for them to take a look. Aging is important so that you know how best to provide care for the kitten.

How To Make A Kitten Poop What You Need To Know

If youve just found or have decided to foster a new kitten thats lost their mom, they may need your help being able to go to the bathroom. After they are born, kittens are very dependent on their mom. The mom will provide milk with vital nutrients for growing and a healthy immune system.

Aside from providing the food that is vital for a kittens health, mother cats also stimulate their new kittens to urinate and defecate by licking them. The mom will do this for their kittens for up to the first 4 weeks of their life. If you have a new kitten who is less than a month old, you may need to help them go to the bathroom.

This article will describe simple things you can do to make your new kitten poop and help make sure they are as healthy as possible in their new beginning.

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Symptoms Of Constipation In Cats

Constipation is characterized by infrequent stools or stools that are difficult to pass. Most cats will poop about every 24-36 hours. If your cat is pooping less frequently and having some difficulty, she may be constipated.

While there is some normal variation, if its been more than 48-72 hours without a bowel movement, you should contact your vet.

The main signs of constipation in cats are:

  • Dry, hard stools

Normally, the poop is a rich brown color and should look well-formed. A healthy stool has enough moisture that litter will stick to it, says Dr. Liz Bales, VMD. Cats with constipation may have very dry, hard stools. You may find these stools outside the litter box, because the discomfort of trying to pass stool can cause cats to leave the litter box before theyre actually finished.

  • Crying or straining in the litter box, or avoiding it altogether

Other signs of discomfort can be vocalizing or straining when using the litter box or going in and out multiple times before using it. Your cat may strain but not be able to poop at all. Showing discomfort in the litter box can also be a sign of serious urinary tract issues, so you should contact a vet if you see these signs.

Constipation is really a symptom of other issues, so you may also see signs of the underlying cause. These may include:

  • Walking stiffly

If youre seeing any of these symptoms, with or without constipation, you should discuss them with your cats vet.

Recognize The Signs And Symptoms Of Diarrhea In Kittens

Cat Poop Prank!

You should know that it’s normal for kittens to have softer poop, Demos says. A kitten’s stools are not quite as dry and hard as an adult cat’s. But if your kitten’s poop is consistently shapeless and mushy or is liquidy, then it’s diarrhea.

Kittens with diarrhea may have accidents outside the litterbox. You may also notice diarrhea on their paws or around their tail .

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What Might Cause My Kitten Problem Passing Faeces

Although there can be many causes for constipation or difficulty passing solids, these are some of the most common

Introducing new food

If your pet has a change of diet her digestive system might take some time to adjust to this change, the result may be an increase or decrease in the number of times they pass faeces and changes to the consistency .

Dehydration/lack of water

If your kitten is not drinking enough water or getting enough moisture from its diet, then the faeces may become dry and more difficult to pass. This may lead to less frequent passing of faeces, straining and discomfort passing faeces and possibly the passing of some blood with the faeces.


Infection of bacterial and viral causes can lead to soft faeces with or without blood/mucous being passed more often than normal.

Parasites, including worms

Parasites such as roundworms are a common finding in the digestive tract of kittens this can cause constipation, diarrhoea with or without vomiting. Most kittens are wormed before you collect them and further worm treatment will be advised by your vet either in the form of paste, liquid, granules, tablets or spot-on treatments.

Physical issues


Blockages of the digestive system such as a foreign body, hairballs and even tubes of gut stuck into it can all lead to abnormalities in faeces production.

Addition Of Fiber In The Diet

Some vets recommend adding a fiber substance to the kittens diet.

For this, pumpkin pureé is used and it helps the food pass through the body with ease. It will also help easy peristalsis through the large intestine and rectum, allowing the kitten to poop with ease.

Hopefully, after adding fiber to the kittens diet, you should see drastic improvements in its constipation.

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Constipation In Cats Treatment

If your cat has not passed faeces for 48 hours, he will need to be checked by your vet. Your vet will discuss your cats signs with you and perform a physical examination. Further tests such as x-rays, ultrasound, blood and urine tests may be needed.

If dietary adjustments have not worked, your vet may give your cat an enema. DO NOT use over-the-counter enema solutions designed for humans. Some of them contain enough potassium to kill a cat. Your cat may also be given fluids . In some severe cases, your cat may need to be sedated to have the faeces manually removed.

Constipation can be prevented in many cases by providing adequate fibre and water to keep your cat regular.

S To Remove The Poop:

6 Tips to Get Your Cats to Cover Their Poop
  • Scrape it off with a plastic scraper. If the poop is somewhat clumpy , it will be easiest to simply scrape it off the surface. However, use caution to prevent scratching the floor.¹
  • If the poop is more like diarrhea and has dried very flat, it may be easier to dissolve it. Fold a paper towel into quarters, soak the paper towel and wring it out slightly so that it is still wet but not dripping. Place the folded paper towel over the poop and let it stay there for about 30 minutes. Once the poop has softened, you can then scrape it off or scrub it off the surface more easily. Do not leave the wet paper towel down too long or it could cause water damage on some types of floors.
  • If plain water is not working to soften the poop, use an enzyme digester that is safe for the surface, such as Natures Miracle Hard Floor Cleaner. If the poop is from a bird, you can use Poop-Off.¹
    • Disinfect the area after the poop has been removed, as well as the plastic scraper.
    • When you are finished cleaning, thoroughly wash your hands.²
    • To treat any lingering odor, sprinkle baking soda over the spot and pour a bit of vinegar onto the baking soda. Let the mixture fizz, then wipe up the solution.³
    • If you need more scrubbing power, you can use either an old electric toothbrush or a scrub brush attachment for a drill. However, be careful not to scrub the area so much that it damages the floor.
  • Pet Clean-Up Made Easy by Don Aslett
  • Cleaning Plain & Simple by Donna Smallin
  • Also Check: Can Cats Sleep With Their Eyes Open

    How To Make A Kitten Poop Step

    When caring for a tiny tyke, you are acting as the surrogate mother, and as such, you are in charge of how to make a kitten poop.

    Heres how to make a kitten poop:

  • Have a few light-colored, warm, moist washcloths at the ready.
  • After you are done bottle feeding the kitten, hold him firmly with his belly in the palm of your hand.
  • With the washcloth, gently massage his whole abdomen and hindquarters area in circular strokes .
  • He should begin peeing this normally takes under a minute.
  • Gently wipe up all the waste with a clean washcloth but just use warm water .
  • How Do I Know When My Kitten Needs To Poop

    If your kitten isnt using a litter box very well, youll have to place it in the little box yourself and wait for it to use it.

    Kittens usually display some signs that indicate that they need to poop. Some of these signs include sniffing the ground excessively and meowing. They may also dig the cat litter right before they pee.

    If you see your kitten doing any of these things, gently pick it up and place it in the litterbox if its not already there. Wait until it goes to the bathroom. Then, provide an immediate reward.

    Its also helpful to keep track of your kittens habits. Document how often they need to relieve themselves per day and at what times of days they go to the bathroom. You can also time how long it takes for your kitten to pee or poop after it eats or drinks.

    Tracking these things will help you to anticipate when your cat will need to use the litter box. This will increase the chances of your kitten successfully using the litter box and picking up the habit more quickly.

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    How Do You Litter Box Train A Kitten

    When you first start litter training, use a smaller litter box so that your kitten doesnt feel intimidated by the size. Place multiple litter boxes throughout the house in well-lit places that are easy to find.

    Next, place your kitten in each litter box so that it becomes familiar to them. Some kittens will instinctually relieve themselves. Reinforce these wanted behaviors by providing a treat every time your kitten uses a litter box.

    If your kitten doesnt take to using the litter box right away, you can take it to the litter box every time after it wakes up, eats, or drinks. Watch and wait for it to pee or poop before letting it go. Always praise your kitten and give it a treat every time it uses the litter box successfully.

    Never scold or yell at your cat if they miss the litter box. This can actually end up reinforcing negative behaviors. Instead, thoroughly clean the spot with a cleaner in order to prevent your cat from habitually relieving itself in the unwanted areas.

    If your kitten has a particularly difficult time learning to use a litter box, dont hesitate to work with a cat behaviorist. A cat behaviorist can help you figure out the root cause of the problem and develop appropriate responses and solutions to address it.

    Troubleshooting For How To Make A Kitten Poop

    Cat Poop Fudge | Eat the Trend

    Its important to be patient and aware throughout this elimination process. Using light-colored washcloths enables you to check the color of the cats poop. Healthy cat poops are brown and have a toothpaste-like consistency. Almost anything else requires a trip to the vet.

    Diarrhea is extremely detrimental to neonatal kittens, and its culprit is usually overfeeding or parasites. This icky condition is especially dangerous because it often quickly leads to dehydration. Erring on the side of caution and getting a kitten with diarrhea to the vet ASAP can save his precious life.

    Constipation in kittens can indicate an imbalance in his diet or it could be a deadly obstruction. If hes not pooping, add a drop of Karo syrup to his formula. And if that doesnt work, try diluting the kitten replacement formula with a few extra drops of water. If adjustments to his food arent producing fast results, seek medical attention right away.

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    Help Your Cat Maintain A Healthy Weight

    Obesity can cause constipation as well, as it can make the intestines inflame. When they are inflamed, the bowels may not work correctly, which can cause constipation and other problems. If your cat is obese or overweight, work with your vet to bring your cats weight down to an average level. This can be done with the use of weight management food and exercise. You may also need to limit the amount of food your cat eats if you arent already.

    Encouraging a cat to exercise is not as straightforward as taking a dog for a walk. However, increasing the amount of play and climbing available is an excellent place to start. You can also train a cat to walk on a leash, which can be a good weight loss strategy.

    Home Remedies For Kitten Constipation

    If you believe that your kitten may be constipated, then I recommend contacting your veterinarian. If after consulting your veterinarian it is determined that your kitten is stable, there might be some home remedies to try.

    Hydrate Your Kitten: This is a must. Your kitten must be drinking water. If shes not, your veterinarian must be notified immediately. Do not force your kitten to swallow water using a syringe or squirt bottle.

    Add Fiber: Along with good hydration, adding some source of fiber to the diet should help keep the kitten on a regular schedule. Canned, unsweetened pumpkin puree, psyllium husks and bran are excellent natural sources of fiber that can be added to the diet. The pumpkin puree is sweet and often well received by the kitten. To further help the constipated kitten, add water as well as the bran or psyllium to the puree. Consult your veterinarian about the amounts to use.

    Get Your Kitten Moving:Exercise and movement help stimulate the intestinal tract to keep cat food moving through. It is great fun to play with your kitten, and play is also very important for intestinal tract health. So play more especially games involving a lot of running to maintain your kittens cardiovascular as well as intestinal health.

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