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How To Help Cat Lose Weight

Activity & Exercise Level

How to Help Your Cat Lose Weight | Cat Care

For cats, dogs, and humans alike, a moderate amount of physical activity is essential to good health. Cats in the wild get a substantial amount of physical activity every day by stocking and hunting prey, exploring their territory, and playing with other friendly animals.

But indoor cats unfortunately have no such opportunities;most of the time. And unlike in the wild, they have easy access to nearly unlimited food sources. Soon enough, their activity is not enough to burn off a healthy portion of the calories they consume in one day. Thats why, to combat obesity in your cat, its important to make sure your cat gets plenty of activity.

Delight In Dark Delicious Chocolate

The bitterness of dark chocolate is thought to assist lower appetite and reduce cravings for sweets (Researchers also think the stearic acid in dark chocolate can help slow down food digestion, more enhancing feelings of fullness (Surprisingly, the straightforward act of scenting this reward could create the same result. How To Help Cat Lose Weight

One research observed that just scenting 85% dark chocolate decreased both cravings and appetite hormones equally as high as in fact consuming it (However, further studies are needed to analyze the impacts of dark chocolate on feelings of fullness.

Eating or perhaps just scenting dark delicious chocolate may assist diminish cravings as well as food cravings for sweets.

Consider What Youre Feeding Your Cat

What you feed your cat is just as important as how much!

Watch out for commercial diet kibble. Theyre often puffed up with air. You may feel like youre feeding your cat plenty, but theyll still be hungry;because that air isnt providing any real fullness. And a cat whos hungry all the time can become aggressive and less tolerant with other pets and people. Who can blame them? I’d be “hangry” too!

Look for a food with more protein and fiber aim for less fat, carbohydrates, and calories. And make sure theres a quality protein source in the first three ingredients of the ingredient list.Try adding or increasing the amount of wet food your cat eats. The density and higher water content is very filling. And the calories and carbohydrates are much less than you generally find in dry kibble. So, your cat gets to eat considerably more volume of food while staying within their daily calorie goal. 60% wet food and 40% dry food is a great ratio for overall health.

Try adding a little canned pumpkin to your cats food. Its high in fiber and moisture, both of which will keep your cat feeling full longer. Start with just 1/8th teaspoon and work up to around a teaspoon a day. Make sure it’s pure pumpkin and not pie filling. You can portion out servings in an ice cube tray and freeze them, so nothing goes to waste in the fridge.

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Establish A Weight Goal For Your Cat

Weighing your cat on a scale is the best option.;The first step to help your cat lose weight is to determine how overweight your cat is and if its even overweight at all. Only after you determine your cats current weight you can establish a weight goal for your pet. A simple way to assess if your cat has extra pounds is by touching its ribs with your hand if you dont feel them easily, it means your cat needs to lose some pounds. However, a more accurate way is weighing your cat with a scale.

Once you determine the number of your cats weight you need to establish a goal considering that your pet cant lose more of 1% to 2% of its body weight per week. Thats a healthy rate for any pet to lose weight because when cats lose weight too fast there is a risk of what is called hepatic lipidosis which could kill your pet. This condition is caused when the liver, due to the lack of food, starts using the cats own fat as food, causing this fatal condition.

How to calculate the 1% to 2% of your cats weight?

Lets say your cat weighs 14 lbs and you want it to weigh 10 lbs. The weight goal is your cat losing 4 lbs, but you cant get to this goal overnight. On this example if you decide your cat will lose 1% of its weight weekly, you must extract that percent from your cats current weight, so:

14 lbs / 1.01 = 13.86 lbs;

14 lbs 13.86 lbs = 0.14 lbs

For a better idea go to a lbs/Oz converter and you will obtain that your cat will need to lose 2.24 ounces every week.

How Much Should I Feed My Cat Creating A Cat Diet Plan

6 Ways to Help Fat Indoor Cats Lose Weight

Its easy to get in the habit of free-feeding your cat: simply filling their food bowl when you notice its empty . Unfortunately, this is an easy way to overfeed your cat. Cats can also fall into a pattern of eating out of boredom, or filling downtime by eating readily available food. You may find it easier to monitor your cats food intake by feeding measured amounts at scheduled times.

Always make sure your cats water bowl is filled with clean, fresh water, as adequate hydration can aid their metabolism and food satiety levels.

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When My Cat Is Hungry She Pesters Me Until I Feed Her Do You Have Any Suggestions

It is often easier to give in to the cat that wakes you at four in the morning to be fed or the cat that meows incessantly or head butts you until you feed them. These cats have trained us well and know exactly which buttons to press when it comes to getting their way. Here are some tips for handling the pesky Persian or the insatiable Siamese:

  • Do not use a self-feeder. While this seems obvious, auto-feeders are nothing more than unlimited candy machines to an overweight cat.
  • If you do use an automatic feeder, use one that opens with a timer. This way you can measure out the proper amount and divide it into daily meals.
  • Pet your cat or play with her when she begs for food. Many cats substitute food for affection so flip the equation and you may find that playtime displaces mealtime.
  • Feed small meals frequently – especially give a last feeding for those cats that like to wake you up in the wee hours begging for more goodies – divide the total volume or calories into four to six smaller meals. Whatever you do, do not feed extra food.
  • Offer fresh water instead of food. If your cat is eyeing the empty food bowl, a drink of cold, fresh water may satisfy that craving.

Give Your Cat Multivitamins / Dietary Supplements

Also, add dietary supplements to your cats diet.

When you feed your cat less, your cat will get fewer nutrients as well.

You should ensure you give your cat supplements while working on her weight, to ensure she stays healthy and active.

Your vet can also recommend several supplements you can give your cat such as omega-3 fatty acid supplements in a multivitamin.

If your cat is diabetic, your vet may also give you detailed instructions on how and when to give your cat insulin injections.

It has happened in several instances that adjusting the diet of a diabetic cat resulted in improving the condition to the extent that insulin injections were stopped.

However, ensure you take the time to monitor the diabetic cat and take her to see the veterinarian before taking any decision to stop giving her insulin injections.

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Low Fat Cat Food From Reveal

Here at Reveal, we dedicate ourselves to enriching the lives of pets and pet owners alike through pet food that; is visibly better. Our range of low-fat canned cat food is perfect for overweight cats, as all our recipes are made from only the best 100% natural ingredients. Reveals low-fat cat food is ethically sourced, healthy and above all else, tastes amazing. From chicken breasts to tuna fillets, we only offer the best low-fat cat food because your cat deserves the best.

Automatic Feeders And Treat Balls

How to help your fat cat lose weight. Tips and tricks from the vet.

Feeding your cat by using automatic feeders can help get your cat get accustomed to scheduled meals, which can help with weight loss and long-term weight management.

Using treat balls or food puzzle toys to dispense your cats meal can help slow down your cats eating while also providing stimulation and exercise.

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Treatment And Home Care For Underweight Cats

To determine what is causing your cats weight loss and design the best treatment plan for you and your pet, your veterinarian will likely do a complete physical exam, blood work, and urinalysis.

Depending on the reason for your cats weight loss, a variety of treatments and dietary changes to treat the underlying condition and restore weight may be prescribed. Fortunately, even in older cats, weight loss can often be treated, if not cured.


The weight loss caused by certain conditions of the gastrointestinal tract may be addressed, either solely or in part, by making appropriate changes to your cats diet. If your cat is suffering from inflammatory bowel disease or other conditions that make food absorption difficult, an easily digested diet may be recommended. Cats that lose weight because of food allergies may recover completely when the offending foods are removed from their diet.

In situations where lack of appetite is contributing to weight loss, appetite-stimulating medications or feeding tubes may be used to maintain adequate nutrition while the cause of anorexia is being addressed.

Maintaining Your Cats Weight Loss

  • 1Weigh your cat regularly. You should weigh your cat on the same scale at the same time of day once a day. You may need to use a smaller sized scale to weigh your cat to ensure the numbers are accurate. Note your cats daily weight in a log and pay attention to how much weight your cat is losing every week or every month. The weight loss should be consistent and gradual.XResearch source
  • When recording your cats weight, you should also pay attention to any plateaus your cat hits, where she appears stuck at a certain weight. This is bound to happen. The plateau should drop over time as long as you continue with her diet and exercise program.
  • 2Monitor your cats progress in a written log. Keeping track of your cats weight loss will give you a better sense of the effectiveness of her diet and her level of exercise. Write down her food intake, including any treats, her level of exercise and her weekly weight.XResearch source
  • You should make sure your cat is only eating within her ideal calorie intake and that her weight continues to go down at a steady pace. If she starts to gain weight, you may want to consider her diet and if anyone is cheating in your household by giving her extra treats or extra food.
  • Another good way to monitor your cats progress is to take before and after pictures of your cat. You can do this at the beginning of her diet and then take pictures every month to monitor her progress.
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    How To Help Your Cat Lose Weight And Keep It Off

    A fat cat is a feline cliché, but overweight cats are no laughing matter. An obese cat can face all sorts of health issues, from diabetes to joint problems. Getting your kitty to a healthy cat weight will help her to feel great.

    As a pet parent, youll have to take the lead and come up with a plan to help your cat lose the weight and keep it off.

    Here are some tips on how to get your kitty started on her path to a healthier life.

    The Right Diet To Help Your Cat Lose Weight

    How to Help Your Obese Cat Lose Weight, According to a Vet ...

    A weight loss diet for your cat focuses on three general principles: reducing the amount of calories they ingest, managing the feeling of hunger during the diet, and adapting the amount of essential nutrients to balance the whole formula. This helps ensure your cat is properly fed with a balanced diet, feels full and satiated, and significantly reduces the level of energy provided.

    Just feeding your cat less of their regular food is not an effective way of facilitating weight loss. In some cases it can even be hazardous to the cat, since this will result in the cat missing out on essential nutrients.

    A dedicated weight-loss diet should typically have a higher protein content than the cat’s usual food, to help maintain muscle mass and compensate the restriction of portion sizes, a low amount of fat and a high mineral and vitamin content. This diet can also promote active nutrients to support healthy joint mobility, as well as skin and coat condition.

    The recent, most advanced veterinary diets feature specific fibre blends and precise formulas to help maintain the feeling of satiation in the cat, and therefore reduce the chances of begging, for a more successful weight-loss programme.

    Another way to support weight-loss in your cat is to provide plenty of fresh water in different places around the house. This will make sure theyre drinking enough to aid digestion.

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    Talk With Your Veterinarian About Your Cats Weight

    Veterinary supervision is especially important for cats because if they lose too much weight too quickly, they can develop a life-threatening liver disease called hepatic lipidosis . This occurs when the body breaks down too much fat too rapidly and the liver cannot process it quickly enough. This causes the fat to be stored in and around the liver, leading to decreased liver function and sometimes even liver failure.

    If cats do not eat for as little as two consecutive days, they can develop hepatic lipidosis, which can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated quickly and aggressively.

    Your veterinarian will help design a gradual weight loss program for your kitty so rapid weight loss triggers, which can lead to hepatic lipidosis, are avoided. A prescription diet may be recommended to help your pet feel fuller on less food. Remember, never suddenly change your cats diet. Rather, do it gradually over 12 weeks, sometimes 3 weeks .;

    Each year at your pet’s wellness visit, ask your veterinarian to evaluate your cat’s weight and body condition. Ask them if your cat is just right, too high, or even too low. Here’s a chart developed by Nestlé Purina;that many veterinarians use when evaluating a cat’s body condition:

    Once you know where your pet falls on the body condition scale, you and your veterinarian can come up with a plan to either keep your pet at their ideal body condition and weight or to help get them there. Knowing what to aim for is very helpful.

    Is There Anything Else Wrong

    There are lots of reasons why cats lose weight or are unable to gain it. The four most common reasons for cats to lose weight are diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney failure and cancer, and none of these is going to respond to feeding more food.

    If your cat has experienced recent weight loss, its a good idea to go to the vet for an examination and some blood tests to rule out these diseases before attempting to get your cat to gain weight.

    This is especially true if theyve shown other signs such as drinking more, using the litter tray more, behavioural changes, vomiting or soft stools, as these are all signs of something more serious occurring.

    If your cat hasnt recently lost weight, but has never been able to gain it, its also worth a visit to the vet. Cats can be born with conditions that cause them to be less able to digest food, resulting in poor weight gain.

    Your vet will likely have to do some blood tests to rule out these diseases.

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    Weigh Your Cat Regularly

    Your pets weight can be a good indicator of health when it is tracked. Regularly tracking a pets weight, rather than just at yearly check-ups, helps pet owners notice the slight changes in weight which might be hard to see. This is especially important for cats because of their small size, making gradual weight loss or gain more difficult to recognize. Consider a typical 10-pound cat: Weight loss of only 6% less than 10 ounces could be an indicator of a medical problem if it takes place during a short period of time.

    Ideally, it would be best to weigh your cat weekly, or at a minimum, monthly.

    It is easy to not notice a few pounds of weight gain but after a while, those few pounds start adding up. Its easier to be proactive about weight gain if you know your pets ideal weight for their age, breed, and size, and can frequently check what they weigh.

    Safe Ways To Help Your Cat Lose Weight

    How To Help a Fat Cat Lose Weight

    Have you ever had a chubby cat who needed to lose a few pounds?

    Being overweight can be detrimental to a cats health. However, just like crash dieting is a bad idea for people, its a really bad idea for cats. In fact, trying to get your cat to lose weighttoo fast could actually kill them!

    If you suspect your cat is overweight, you must consult your vet and rely on their advice to help your cat shed the pounds in the right way. Here are a few tips on how to help your cat safely lose weight that you should discuss with your vet.

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