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Become A Cat Foster Parent

How Long Do You Foster A Cat

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The time commitment for fostering a cat varies by program and the needs of the cat. For instance, the shelter may ask you to foster the cat for a minimum of 8 weeks. If the cat is sick or injured, you might have to care for them until theyve regained their strength. Kittens usually stay in a foster home until theyre old enough for adoption.

What Is Needed To Foster A Dog

The most important things needed for fostering a dog are a welcoming home with ample space and a commitment to taking great care of them. If you live with family members or roommates, youll need to get their buy-in, especially if you want them to pitch in on tasks like walking or feeding the pooch.

The process and requirements provided by foster programs vary by shelter. Make sure you know whats expected by getting answers to questions like these:

  • How long will you need to foster the dog? Time commitments can range from weeks to months, depending on the foster program and the dogs situation.
  • Will they give you supplies? Some shelters will send you home with a foster dog starter kit that contains essentials like a collar and bowls.
  • Do they cover veterinary expenses? Find out the shelters policy on reimbursing you for health care needs, including emergencies and routine care such as flea and tick prevention.

Youll also want to understand the protocol for accidents and illnesses. For instance, the shelter may require that you take the dog to an onsite or preferred veterinary clinic.

Once youve selected a shelter, theyll have you fill out a foster application, which typically includes information about your living situation. Theyll want to ensure theyre placing the dog in a safe, comfortable home and that youre able to properly care for them.

What If My Foster Cat Or Kittens Are Ill

Purrfect Pals has an onsite veterinarian and clinic staff at our shelter. Our shelter clinic is able to provide the majority of routine medical care needed for our foster animals, and we schedule these appointments. We are able to viral test, vaccinate, spay and neuter, perform surgeries, diagnose and treat illnesses, prescribe medication and provide special diets. In case of emergency you will be able to contact our clinic staff seven days a week, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with any questions. For after hour emergencies, Purrfect Pals has contracted with six emergency veterinarian hospitals that are open 24/7, and they bill our shelter for medical care. We provide new fosters parents with a list of these emergency veterinary clinics.

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Why Is Fostering A Petso Important

Foster pet parents play a critical role in the adoption process.Not only are they with these pets day in and day out, making sure that theyreloved and cared for until they find their forever homes, they often play anactive role in matching their foster with a family. We could go on foreverabout why fostering is important, but well start with these four reasons.

  • Fostering helps pets show off their best side: Unsurprisingly, many pets experience high levels of stress while in the shelter. This can result in some animals withdraw and become timid, while it can cause others to display hyperactive or even aggressive behavior. When you foster a pet, you give it a safe space where their true personality can begin to shine through.
  • Youll know what they need in a forever home: As your foster pet settles into life in your home, youll get to know them as an individual. Youll learn their likes, dislikes, and any quirks that they may have. This is especially important when matching a pet with a forever family, as you know first hand what type of home would best meet their needs.
  • You can teach them important skills: Whether youre fostering a puppy, kitten, or pet that hasnt spent much of their life indoors, fosters play an important role in teaching pets how to be comfortable in a home. Whether this is getting a head start on house training or simply getting them used to the sounds and smells of inside, youre helping them have an easier transition to their forever home.
  • Fostering Nursing Mother Cats:

    Brown County Humane Society
    • Provide a box big enough for everyone, with sides tall enough to keep the kittens from falling out but low enough for the mother cat to get out.
    • Line the box with several layers of bedding so that you can peel away layers as the kittens soil the top layer.
    • Let the mother cat feed and care for her kittens as long as she is actively engaged with them.
    • Provide a nutrient-dense diet for the mother cat. Kitten food is ideal. Offer food several times a day, or consider keeping a plate of dry food available to her all the time.
    • Its normal for the mother cat to want time away from her kittens between feedings. Once the kittens start exploring, you can keep them contained in one room with a baby gate that the mother can easily jump over.
    • Kittens will begin trying out moist kitten food at about four weeks of age. If any seem slow to begin feeding on their own, you can help out by putting a bit on your finger to let them smell it.

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    How To Become A Cat Foster Parent

    Now that you have learned about the responsibilities and costs of fostering a cat, its time to ask yourself if you really want to commit to it. If the answer is yes, then the next thing youre probably wondering about is how to become a cat foster parent. Lets find out.

    • Once youve decided that you have what it takes to offer a rescue cat a temporary home, its time to look for animal rescues in your area. ASPCA and Petfinder are some of the best resources for finding reputable shelters that look for foster homes.
    • When you have found a shelter you might like to work with, you should find out what kind of experiences other fosters have with working together with this facility and team. Talk to other fosters or search online for information about the shelter.
    • Next, its time to contact the animal shelter and see if you can visit them to talk more about fostering a cat. Its good to have good and open communication to learn more about what they expect from cat fosters and what your expectations might be when it comes to fostering a cat.

    Once you have been accepted to become a foster parent to a kitty, you can soon expect to get a call about your first foster cat!

    Then, all you have to do is to get ready for its arrival.

    Horror Stories And Happy Stories

    Every year there are unfortunately many horror stories about mistreatment of cats . This doesnt occur just in the summer holidays when people leave their homes for a holiday, but also in the winter months when it is way too cold for cats to stay outdoors 24/7.

    Cat protection is also active in cat saving projects during environmental emergencies such as forest fires, floods, volcano eruptions and more.

    Most projects that we have taken part in are however of the type where someone did not spay/neuter their cat and suddenly an ever growing colony of cats and kittens is found in a neighbourhood. These cats get captured, get a medical check-up and are then spayed or neutered before ending up in a cat foster home. The end goal is still the same, to have them adopted into a permanent place they can call home.

    The horror stories are the hurt cats or the cat colonies that have gotten Fiv, a feline form of AIDS or other terrible illnesses. In most cases it means a quick end of their lives.

    The happy stories are of those cats that can be saved, end up in foster care and get adopted to a place they can be happy in.

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    What Is Foster Care

    Find out more about Foster Cares new Shadow Cats program, and the waived adoption fees for these wary whiskers, here > >

    Learn about the SPCAs involvement in Maddies Fund We Foster Challenge here > >

    Contact the SPCAs Melanie Rushforth for more information:

    Each year, thousands of felines and, occasionally, other types of animals, come into the shelter and are not ready to be put up for adoption. Foster care is a program specifically designed to place those animals into temporary homes where they can receive the care that they need.

    Do You Have Room In Your Home

    ä¿?è·å?ç«ã?®é親ã?«ã?ªã?£ã?å?æ¥ã?®æ§å?ã?ã?ã?¡ãã?§ã?/Here is the first day of becoming a foster parent of a protected kitten

    Sometimes foster cats and kittens need to be separated from other cats. This might be because they have contagious upper respiratory infections or other viruses, or they might be affected by external or internal parasites.

    If you have other cats in your home and you wish to become a foster family, you will need to be sure that you have a proper area that you can use to isolate the foster cats from your resident cats. This might be a small room or a whole area of your home, but it needs to be a place that can be closed off so the cats can’t roam freely and interact. The space will need to be large enough for adequate play space, scratching posts, a litter box or two, and food and water dishes that are not near the litter boxes. If you don’t have a space like this in your home and you have other cats, you may not be ready to provide foster care.

    Also Check: 6 Years In Cat Years

    Fostering Faq: Everything You Need To Know About Becoming A Foster Pet Parent

    Did you know that May is National Pet Foster Care Month? This month is dedicated to the wonderful people who open their homes and hearts to those in need. If youve ever considered becoming a foster parent, read on we break down everything you need to know before you bring home a foster cat or dog!

    Quiz: Should I Foster A Cat

    Try this short quiz to see if taking in a foster cat will make your motor run. Give yourself 1 purr for yes and 0 for no.

    Do you have experience caring for cats?

    Yes or No

    Are you up for responsibilities like feeding them a healthy diet, making sure they get enough exercise, and scooping the litter box?

    Yes or No

    Are you open to loving cuddles together on the couch?

    Yes or No

    Tally your score for your answer:

    3 purrs: It seems like youre ready and able to bring a foster cat into your home. Reach out to a local shelter to find out more about the process.

    1 to 2 purrs: You should think carefully about whats needed to care for a foster cat and make sure youre up to the task. It can be helpful to talk to friends or family who have fostered cats to hear about their experiences.

    0 purrs: Taking in a foster cat doesnt seem to be the best choice for you, at least right nowand theres nothing wrong with that. You may want to consider other ways to help shelter cats, such as donating supplies or volunteering your time.

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    What If I Have Cats/kittens

    Many potential volunteers often wonder can I foster kittens if I have a cat? The answer is yes, you can foster a cat or kittens with other pets in your home. To keep everybody safe and happy, we have some basic guidelines:

    • family pets should be kept up to date with their vaccinations and flea or worming treatments this reduces the risk of spreading disease between animals in your home
    • foster cats should be kept separated from other family pets ideally confined to a spare room or pen, this ensures both your fosters and your pets can be stress-free and happy in your home
    • using provided PPE when spending time with your foster cats wearing appropriate PPE and keeping cat bowls and surfaces clean will prevent spreading any diseases between your foster cats and family pets

    What Are My Duties As A Foster Parent

    Become a Foster Care Program Sponsor!  Purrfect Pals
    • To provide daily care, cleaning, feeding, and administration of medication if prescribed .
    • To socialize and provide TLC for the animals in your care.
    • To provide transportation to and from the shelter for any necessary medical or vaccination appointments.
    • To be COMMITTED TO YOUR FOSTER ANIMAL! Your foster care time commitment is dependent on each animals particular circumstances and can range from one week to months. We will discuss each animals projected needs with you on a case-by-case basis.

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    What Does It Mean To Foster A Cat

    The following was originally published on the Petfinder Blog.

    What does fostering a cat involve?When you foster, you agree to take a homeless cat into your home and give him or her love, care and attention, either for a predetermined period of time or until the cat is adopted.


    Why do adoption groups need foster homes?There are many reasons a cat might need foster care. Some of the most common include:

    • A rescue group doesnt have a physical shelter and depends on foster homes to care for cats until suitable homes are found.
    • A kitten is too young to be adopted and needs a safe place to stay until he or she is old enough to go to a forever home.
    • A cat is recovering from surgery, illness or injury and needs a safe place to recuperate.
    • A cat is showing signs of stress such as pacing or hiding in the shelter.
    • A cat has not lived in a home before or has not had much contact with people and needs to be socialized.
    • The shelter is running out of room for adoptable cats.

    Why should I foster a cat?Fostering a cat is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have . By taking an animal in need temporarily into your home youre:

    Will My Foster Dog Miss Me

    Will my foster dog think I abandoned him? Will she be upset without me? Those are common questions for anyone thinking about parting with their foster dog. After weeks or even months of caring for a dog, its normal to have mixed feelings about saying goodbye.

    While you may miss each other at first, rest assured youll both adjust in time. Its helpful if you had a chance to meet the adoptive family beforehand. This way, you can picture your foster dog living a happy and healthy life with their new pack.

    Remember, youve done something wonderful by fostering a dog. And maybe now you have space in your home to perform the same service to another dog in need.

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    Getting Them On A Routine

    Get the kittens on a routine. Every few hours, you should be stimulating them, feeding them, and showing them their comfy spot so they can safely sleep. As they get older, you can factor in some play time. My recommended schedule is as follows:

    Kittens 0-1 weeks: bottle feeding/stimulating every 2 hours

    Kittens 1-2 weeks: bottle feeding/stimulating every 2-3 hours

    Kittens 2-3 weeks: bottle feeding/stimulating every 3 hours

    Kittens 3-4 weeks: bottle feeding/stimulating every 4 hours

    Kittens 4-5 weeks: weaning and beginning to use bathroom on their own – feeding every 5-6 hours

    Kittens 5-6 weeks: weaning, using litter box – feeding every 6-8 hours

    Kittens 6-8 weeks: weaned, using litter box – feeding every 8 hours

    Kittens 8 weeks +: make a spay appointment and adopt them out!

    Become A Cat Foster Parent

    How to Become a No-Kill Shelter

    There are many reasons to become a cat foster parent. Perhaps you have cats from before and you just love to save another cats life. Perhaps you had never cats and would love to have a cat that doesnt permanently stay in your home.

    Is It Difficult To Become a Cat Foster Parent?

    It isnt difficult to take care of a cat. Cats are pretty easy for that matter, but they are companion animals and do require you to be home sometimes. They love you around and most love to cuddle. The shy and scared cats might not show themselves immediately, but they might get used to you and come out even when you are sitting in the room, so it is important to be in the same room when you can.

    I Got A Job, Is That A Problem?

    If you got a daily job, you might think that it is cruel or something, but most cats sleep a good 16 hours during the day, so you being there for them in the evening hours and the morning before you leave for work might just as well be enough for them.

    Are There Any Requirements?

    You will notice that in most cases the requirement is that you live in a safe place or that your foster cat can be in a safe place. In most cases they ask you to keep the cat indoors, unless you live in a secluded area without any traffic, then you might be lucky that they can go out. In any case, the first 3-8 weeks they are not allowed to go out, because they need to get used to that you are their home.

    Does It Cost Money?

    Time Cost


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    What If My Foster Cat Becomes Sick

    All veterinary costs are paid by the shelter through the generous donations to the Help the Animals Fund. If a foster cat becomes sick, foster parents must call the vet hotline to request an authorization for a vet visit. There is a selected list of veterinarian clinics which will bill the shelter directly.


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