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My Cat Is Not Moving But Still Breathing

Rapid Breathing In Cats

Breathing in a Healthy Cat

Tabitha Kucera, RVT, CCBC, KPA-CTP, is a veterinary technician and writer with over a decade of experience working in veterinary medicine for small animal veterinary hospitals, farm sanctuaries, and various cat and dog rescues. She is also Fear Free Certified and a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant.

Rapid breathing is not a disease in itself, but can be a symptom of a potentially serious or even life-threatening condition. Note that it’s normal, or at least not unexpected, for a cat to breath rapidly if it’s anxious, overheated, or playing enthusiastically. But it’s abnormal if a cat is breathing rapidly while at rest, particularly if it also appears lethargic or ill. If your cat is experiencing tachypnea, it can be a sign of a variety of issues from stress to heart disease and indicates that your pet is not getting enough oxygen through its system.

Cats are generally subtle in showing their caregivers signs of illness, so you must be especially vigilant to notice symptoms like rapid breathing. Being observant may help you to determine the cause of the rapid breathing or the situations in which it occurs. Because tachypnea can be a sign of serious illness, it’s important to seek veterinary attention if your cat continues to breathe rapidly.

Behaviors Of A Tired Cat

A tired cat will sleep more but once awake will play, run around, explore, and behave normally while also still eating and drinking. Tired cats are only tired for a short period of time. Once they have slept off an exciting afternoon, they are ready to bounce back to their normal day of being a curious active feline.

Choosing Euthanasia For A Dying Cat

If your cat is exhibiting signs of being near death, you may want to consider talking to your vet about euthanasia. This can be the more humane choice in cases where there is significant pain and suffering involved.

If you choose to put your pet to sleep, your vet will give him an injection that will slow his heart to a stop. This takes only seconds and is not a painful procedure. You will usually be given the opportunity to stay with your cat throughout the process if you wish. Euthanasia can put an end to a pet’s suffering as well as shorten the emotional distress you feel. Some areas may even offer a house-call euthanasia service.

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Check For Signs Of Sickness

The first and most logical thing you need to do when your cat is not moving is to check if theyre in pain. If you see no visible injuries, gently use your hand to feel all over their body to check for any painful areas. There can be a chance of internal bleeding, so you should not move the kitty by force if they express extreme pain being picked up or touched. Consult your vet as soon as possible to find a solution.

When the cats body temperature is either too high or too low, it can signify an emergency situation. Dont try to wait for an appointment and get them into emergency care.

Check if they are breathing normally or in short, gasping breath. Rapid breathing may be a sign of anemia or fluid in the lungs. If they have difficulty breathing or struggling to get air, they might be suffering from pain or bleeding as well.

In the case that your cat has not been eating, drinking, or using the litter box for the whole day, this signifies much more serious health problems. Take note of any abnormal behavior and report them to your vet.

Your Cat Might Be In Pain

How Can I Tell If My Cat Is In Pain?

There are usually no other reasons for a usually playful cat to stay in one place for a very long time, other than theyre very uncomfortable. It can be that theyve hurt themselves, and while not having any visible injury, there can be a chance of internal bleeding.

Another possible reason is that they are under shock or having anemia, which makes them unable to find the strength to stand up.

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Limping/having Trouble Jumping Up

Changes in your cats gait or movement can be a good indicator that your cat is in pain. Cats will often adapt how they move when one or more of their joints is uncomfortable.

Normal aging can result in painful arthritis that can make your cat limp. The limp or change in gait may be subtlepay attention to how your cat jumps up or down from surfaces and how they go up and down a flight of stairs.

Extreme causes of a changed gait would be a broken bone or injury to a muscle, ligament, or tendon due to trauma.

Any changes, whether subtle or drastic, should be investigated by your vet.

How Do I Deal With The Emotional Burden Of The Death Of A Cat

The anguish of watching a beloved pet die is all-consuming, but it is the cost of admission when we choose to bring a pet into our lives. Losing a pet can be as hard on cat owners as losing a loved one. The New England Journal of Medicine reported a woman died of broken heart syndrome after the loss of her beloved dog. This is an extreme response to grief, but it underlines just how painful it is to lose a pet.

Not everybody can relate to the close bond we form with our pets which can leave pet owners isolated and alone. Find a supportive friend, family member or group to offer a sympathetic ear and emotional support. Pet grief counsellors can also be an enormous help at this time.

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Is It Okay To Let My Cat Die Naturally

No, it is not. Towards the end of a cats life, he or she will experience pain and discomfort. As organ failure develops, toxins build up in the blood and the cat can experience difficulty breathing and cognitive dysfunction. Human hospice care involves around-the-clock analgesics which are typically administered intravenously. While a veterinarian can prescribe analgesics for a cat in the end stages of a disease, there is only so much a vet can do. The kindest thing you can do for your cat as they near death is to give them a peaceful exit.

How To Comfort A Dying Cat

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Some cats prefer relative isolation when they are dying, meaning they prefer to hide in a quiet place. Respect this whenever possible. Other cats want the comfort of their human or animal family, and thats fine, too. Follow your cats lead.

  • A dying cat needs quiet and calm. Keep household noise to a minimum and if practical, move the cat to a quieter part of the house away from the everyday hustle and bustle such as their favorite humans bedroom. Dim the lights, and turn televisions and radios down.
  • Stay with your feline friend and talk quietly and calmly as they are dying, your presence will calm them.
  • If the cat has a canine or feline companion, allow them to be with the cat if that is what the dying cat wants, unless the cat has a highly infectious disease.
  • An immobile cat can develop pressure sores, ensure they have a cozy and well-cushioned bed.
  • Keep fresh water available and close to the cats bed. Offer food on your finger.

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When To Go To The Vet

Lethargy in cats doesn’t always require a vet visit, but it can’t hurt. If your cat has been lethargic for more than 24 hours, it’s a good idea to book an appointment to rule out any severe conditions. Additionally, if your cat has experienced other symptoms in those 24 hours, be sure to notify your vet about those as well.Treatment and diagnosis will vary depending on what your cat has. The sooner you consult your vet, the safer your cat will likely be. Many cats also become sluggish as they age, which isn’t as critical.

Cat Panting And Heavy Breathing

In addition to the already mentioned physical causes, stress can also cause accelerated breathing in cats. If you notice that your cat is on alert with dilated pupils, salivating, swallowing repeatedly and running its tongue over his lips, there is a high chance that your cat is anxious and/or stressed.

The first thing you should do is give it space. If there is something noticeably specific which is causing your cat distress, such as loud noises or too many people, remove your cat from the situation immediately.

If the stimulus persists and the cat has no way of escaping it, it may also attack and become aggressive. Identify the trigger and avoid or remove it. If this trigger cannot be removed, adaption is the next step. For more, take a look at these 5 symptoms of stress in cats.

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My Kitten Cant Walk All Of A Sudden

Have you noticed that your kitten cant walk or stand? Other than the causes mentioned above, when it comes to kittens, we have to analyze the possibility of fading kitten syndrome.

Especially when they are under the age of 8 months of age, kittens are very fragile and susceptible to illness. If your kitten suddenly cant walk, is lethargic and unresponsive immediate veterinary attention is required.

What Are Breathing Difficulties

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Dyspnea is often referred to as ‘respiratory distress’. Your cat may struggle with inhaling, exhaling or both. You may also notice your cat panting noisily or keeping its mouth open. Breathing will typically be fast and shallow. Coughing is another symptom that often accompanies dyspnea. Whatever the cause for labored breathing, your cat needs an immediate medical evaluation since this condition cannot be treated at home and can be deadly.

It is very disturbing to see your cat struggling to take a breath. Dyspnea, or difficulty breathing, is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying condition that could be caused by hundreds of diseases or medical conditions. For example, your cat may have a foreign object up its nose, or it may be experiencing allergy-induced asthma. Heart failure is another prime reason cats show signs of breathing difficulties, and this condition requires immediate veterinary evaluation.

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Saying Goodbye Is Never Easy

Watching your cat die can be upsetting and disheartening. By understanding and coming to terms with the dying process, you can make decisions based on what is best for your pet rather than your emotions. It’s natural to feel a profound sense of loss after your cat’s death, so be sure to give yourself plenty of time to grieve. Someday the grief will ease, and you may decide it’s time to bring a new cat into your life.

Treatment Of Paralysis In Cats

Treatment of paralysis in your cat will depend on the underlying cause of the condition. Suspected infection will be treated with antibiotics. In some cases, nerves can regrow or repair with time and proper care. If your veterinarian diagnoses an injury which your cat will heal from over time, they may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pressure in the spinal area. They will also advise you on the proper home treatment.

Cats should never be left in the same position for more than two hours and my need assistance in manually emptying their bladder and bowels. Nutrients may need to be administered intravenously or through a feeding tube. In some cases, heating pads and light massage may encourage blood flow to the affected area which can encourage healing and growth. Gentle manipulation of muscles will also help minimize any atrophy, which will get your cat back on their feet more quickly once they have healed.

Worried about the cost of Paralysis treatment?

Pet Insurance covers the cost of many common pet health conditions. Prepare for the unexpected by getting a quote from top pet insurance providers.

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Are Moving Slowly Not Drinking And Stiffness Cat Illness Symptoms

My cat is behaving strangely. She is always playful tom-boyish, and now she walks normally, but very slowly. She sits in front of the water dish, just staring at the water, not drinking any. She felt stiff when I held her and dry heaved. No foaming or bad breath, just whats above. What might be the problem?

How To Know If Your Cat Is Dying

Is my cat dying? Please help!

This article was co-authored by Melissa Nelson, DVM, PhD. Dr. Nelson is a Veterinarian who specializes in Companion and Large Animal Medicine in Minnesota, where she has over 18 years of experience as a veterinarian in a rural clinic. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Minnesota in 1998.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 64 testimonials and 91% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1,318,634 times.

A cat nearing the end of his or her life may exhibit certain behaviors that will let you know it’s almost time. The cat may refuse to eat or drink, have a lower energy level and experience weight loss. Many cats instinctively seek out solitude during their final days. Recognizing the signs that your cat is dying will help you provide the best possible end-of-life care for your pet.

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Labored Breathing In Cats: Not Eating Or Moving

If your cat is struggling to breath and is not eating or moving, it could be a sign of trauma in cats. A steep fall, collision or dog attack can result in internal injuries, which can affect your cats lung capacity. An internal hemorrhage, intense pain, fractures or pneumothorax constitute as emergencies that can cause fast, superficial abdominal breathing in cats.

Sometimes, when suffering from internal bleeding, you will notice that your cat breathes very quickly and/or vomits blood. A cat that does not receive enough oxygen will show bluish discoloration of its tissues , a phenomenon known as cyanosis.

In this above mentioned case, a cat will require immediate veterinary attention and may be hospitalized. A professional will likely stabilize the cat to perform the necessary tests, necessary to diagnose and treat the breathing accordingly.

For more, we recommend reading about what to do if your cat vomits.

When Is The Right Time To Euthanize A Pet

None of us has a crystal ball, and our cats cant tell us when theyve had enough. We have to make the best decision we can, and it can be helpful to have an outsiders perspective. Reaching the decision to euthanize a beloved pet is one of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make. However, euthanizing your cat and not making them suffer until death is the greatest kindness you can give them as well.

Dr. Mary Gardener, founder of Lap of Love, an in-home pet euthanasia practice, identifies four types of budgets that families should consider.

  • Financial budget: End-of-life veterinary care often be expensive and put a strain on the household budget.
  • Time budget: A terminal pet often requires intensive home care, which can take up a considerable amount of time. If you work full-time out of the house or travel a lot, this can impact your ability to provide optimal care.
  • Physical budget: Are you physically able to care for a terminal cat? Are you capable of lifting them out of the litter tray if they are unable to walk, managing accidents, or taking the cat for vet check-ups?
  • Emotional budget: Caring for a terminal cat carries a huge emotional toll. For me, caring for my beloved cat for over 6 months during her cancer treatment was emotionally hard. Some of our pets are a link or a bridge to the past. They might represent our childhood, a marriage, a difficult period in our lives, or a family member who is no longer with usall of which can make it even harder to let go.

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Why Is My Cory Catfish Laying On The Bottom Of The Tank

It might be typical for your fish to spend a lot of time at the bottom of the tank. Catfish are bottom feeders. In addition, fish frequently sleep near the bottom of their tanks.

If your fishs behavior does not seem to suit either of these scenarios, and he appears exhausted and listless in the bottom of the tank, he might be sick. If you believe this is the case, you should put the fish in quarantine.

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Its certainly concerning to find your usual active and mischievous cat lying in one place for a long time. The cat just suddenly refuses to move, even when you try to lure them with their favorite food. If your cat wont move from one spot, there might be some serious problems going on, and you may need to act fast.

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How Do I Know When It Is Time

Most cat owners feel it in their gut when it’s time for their cat to pass on, but acknowledging that feeling can be difficult. There are a few questions you can ask to help guide you in making the right decision for yourself.

  • Keep track of your catâs good days and bad days. Occasional bad days are a normal part of life, but there will come a point when your cat is experiencing more pain and discomfort than happy, comfortable days.
  • Evaluate whether or not your cat still enjoys the things she always has. Does she eat her favorite treats when offered? Does she purr when you pet her? Is she able to access her favorite perches or play with her toys?
  • Talk over your feelings with friends and family. Use your support system as a sounding-board to work through how you want to handle the end of your catâs life.
  • Talk to your cat. It may sound silly, but it can help. Curl up together in your favorite spot and talk it over. She just might tell you when it is time.


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